House numbers – Mid Century style!

More mid century stuff – I needed a number for my house, so I ordered from a company I found as an advertiser in Atomic Ranch magazine that specializes in Mid Century modern styling.  I ordered my number (337) in cut stainless steel like the photo below but with the background plate in Capri Blue … Continue reading “House numbers – Mid Century style!”

More mid century stuff – I needed a number for my house, so I ordered from a company I found as an advertiser in Atomic Ranch magazine that specializes in Mid Century modern styling.  I ordered my number (337) in cut stainless steel like the photo below but with the background plate in Capri Blue instead of red.  I wanted something that would stand out from the orange and browns of the house – since the point is to draw the eye and provide identification.  Look at the link here for the actual color


Moda Industria from Atomic Ranch Magazine advertising

Floating house number

I also have written to my neighbors about getting coordinated with them to etch the number in the granite post on Bedford Road.