Professional photos of my house are here!

The Marketing team at Acorn Deck House Company has very, very graciously given me permission to use some of the photos they took recently of my house.  I believe they are working on a new version / update of their website and some of this material looks like it will be included. Thank you so … Continue reading “Professional photos of my house are here!”

The Marketing team at Acorn Deck House Company has very, very graciously given me permission to use some of the photos they took recently of my house.  I believe they are working on a new version / update of their website and some of this material looks like it will be included.

Thank you so very, very much to Paul Hebert, Tim Hebert and all of Paul’s crew – you guys are FANTASTIC.

To Acorn Deck House – you are so wonderful to work with and I truly appreciate your generosity in letting me use some of your material in this blog.

To Atlantic Industrial Models – Joe Fassa and team.  Thank you very, very much for the wonderful execution of the metal work shown here

And finally, a huge shout out to Anthony Crisafulli for the awesome photos

Embedded YouTube video below – the embedding forces it to be pretty small – I recommend going to the bottom right hand corner of the video and either clicking on the FullScreen icon or clicking over to YouTube so you can watch it there.  Great Stuff!

All I can say is WOW – what great photos Anthony!

Recent trip to California

I just got back from a short trip to California.  Besides normal things like meeting up with friends, checking in on things in the office, we had a work BBQ.  8 folks from our office in Pune India are over visiting for training and the team self organized a wonderful BBQ at Shadow Cliffs Recreation … Continue reading “Recent trip to California”

I just got back from a short trip to California.  Besides normal things like meeting up with friends, checking in on things in the office, we had a work BBQ.  8 folks from our office in Pune India are over visiting for training and the team self organized a wonderful BBQ at Shadow Cliffs Recreation Area in Pleasanton, CA.  I think it is a re-use of a former gravel pit (there is a cement and gravel company up the road).  A wonderful place for families – there is a swim area with full lifeguard support that very gradually goes out into the lake and the water is warm.

We had about 60 people show up and I was so busy chatting and flipping burgers and dogs on the grill, I forgot to take any people shots.  All I personally took was when I took a brief walk to check out the rest of the lake

Coming back to New England was a bit of a shock.  May 2017 was the 5th wettest month on record and was cold (40’s and 50’s mostly).  When I left for California it was mid forties – stepping out of the airport on my return, it was 97 degrees and very humid.  Driving home (around 5:00pm at this point) – I was heading south on Rte 95 when I passed through a thunderstorm.  Sheeting down rain and in 1/3 of a mile the temperature dropped from 98 degrees to 81 degrees!  The storm was only 1 mile wide and then the temp shot back up again on the other side.  Very weird!

Summer is finally coming!